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Jeanne Reiner
Animalia Selected works
Belionota sumptuosa
jewel beetle
Watercolor and colored pencil on paper
watercolor and colored pencil on paper
16x20" Colored pencil on acetate vellum
Spot Swordtail Butterfly
11 x 14" Colored Pencil on Acetate Vellum
Redbase Jezebel Butterfly
11 x 14" Colored Pencil on Acetate Vellum
Four-bar Swordtail Butterfly
14 x 16" Colored Pencil on Acetate Vellum
Weevil-Eupholus magnificus
11 x 14" Colored Pencil on Acetate Vellum
Weevil-Eupholus bennetti
11 x 14" Colored Pencil on Acetate Vellum
Seastar Starfish
11 x 14" Graphite
Nautilus shell
11 x 14" Graphite
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